Wednesday, March 9, 2011


    Many of us are frustrated with the current two party system in the U.S.  For years the call for a genuine third party has been made.  (and no, the tea party, which is not an actual political party does not count)  Well for those of my readers living in Massachusetts, you can now register as a Pirate.  That's right the Massachusetts Pirate Party is now an official political party.  At first glance, (and maybe at second)  the party is a bit out there, after all who creates a political party with Pirate in their name?  But the party does have some good platforms.
1.  Defending Your Privacy
2.  Opening Up Government
3.  Promoting Culture and Knowledge Through Copyright Reform

So it sounds pretty good until maybe number three, which may just be a ruse to illegally download copyrighted material via the web through such sites as bit torrents which are often associated with. . . you guessed it Pirates.

You can purchase genuine Massachusetts Pirate Party paraphernalia here.  And as any good Highline High Alum will tell you, Pirates stick to together and support other Pirates.  (with of course the exception of these guys)

Now as for the future of the Massachusetts Pirate Party.  I look forward to seeing if the party can truly become a viable third party.  It may need to expand its current platform to include more issues.  However I must give a brief warning that once the Pirate Party becomes an effective and powerful party, it must be careful to not succumb to the temptation to embrace the status quo.  Once the Pirate Party has power, it must continue to get things done, rather than doing little to nothing to evoke real change, as our current two dominant parties embrace the status quo.
    I fear without the continued push for change that the prophetic song by Larry the Cucumber could become reality for the Massachusetts Pirate Party.  (so maybe not the part of going to Boston in the Fall, but you get the drift)

As I think about my preparations for  Talk Like a Pirate Day, I realize that this year may have an entirely new theme.  Perhaps soon there will be a Talk Like a Political Pirate Day?  Political Pirates, hmm, how would I define a Political Pirate?  And more importantly how would a Political Pirate dress?  Perhaps we'd see a few people running around congress looking like this.

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