Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Welcome to my blog.
For quite some time now I have needed an outlet to express my thoughts on a variety of topics. As an unemployed school teacher currently underemployed as a grocery cashier, I have plenty of time to read and think on many topics. I spend much of my time consuming various media and forming opinions on it. I hope this blog will be a more productive expression of my thoughts than the random Facebook debates I seem to become engaged in now. I plan to post on a variety of topics, from current events, and politics to entertainment and movies. I may even touch on sports, but plan to shy away from personal or family topics. While I do not pretend to expect many followers, I do hope that my posts will offer engaging, productive and civil dialogue between myself and my readers. Thank you in advance to any who may read.


  1. I am excited to read your posts. I believe that Facebook has created a forum that took away from the emerging blogging community. Basically every FB status update is a mini-blog post. But as FB grew in popularity the quality of status updates decreased. I think this environment will give you more room to write and a place for more informed reading and discussion. You can count on at least one reader!

  2. If you're comparing the pay of a teacher and grocery clerk, it's comparable...
    So I wouldn't think your underemployed. I'm sure that degree is nicely framed though...


  3. I am not sure how you say the pay of a teacher and a grocery clerk is comparable. I currently make 10.50/ hr working 20-25 hrs a week, which is about 13,500 a year, so even if I work 40 hours without any vacation I can make maybe 27,000. If I was a first year teacher I would be bringing in aprox. 35-40K, plus have summers off and plenty of vacation. Yes, I'd work more during the year, but I'd get paid much better and have better benefits as well, and actually get to eat dinner with my family most nights. So maybe after working FT as a clerk for 10 years I'd make what a first year teacher makes. The two are no where near comparable. Also, part of the definition of underemployed is that it includes those working PT that would FT if they could find a FT job. Underemployed exactly fits my current situation. Thanks for the site though it is pretty therapeutic.
