Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wisconsin is Outraged; Are You?

     What does it take to spark a protest?  In Birmingham, Alabama, it took being asked to give up your seat because of the color of your skin.  In Tiananmen Square, China it took years of authoritarianism  and repression, with little to no, freedom of speech or assembly. In Cairo, Egypt it was 30 years of dictatorial rule, with limited economic and educational opportunities for a population made up largely of young people. In Madison, Wisconsin it took the threat of loosing the ability of public servants to collectively bargain.  These are all examples of people standing up for their rights.  They are people groups who are either trying to gain, reclaim or hold on to fundamental rights they are entitled to.
     Public workers in Wisconsin have a right to be outraged.  Governor Scott Walker, is attempting to take away a fundamental right that all workers should enjoy. Walker, the Republican party, and Corporate America have long attempted to thwart unions.   Having virtually succeeded in eliminating unions in the private sector, the last union stronghold is public employees, and the Right will use every perceived crisis, and dirty tactic to take away any collective bargaining rights public employees may have.
    Unions, are champions for the middle class, they raise wages, improve working conditions, and greatly increase benefits such as health insurance and paid vacation.  Not only do they raise wages and working conditions for union workers, but they also raise wages for non-union employees working in the same field.  These things cost money and eat into profits.  Corporate America, wants any and all costs to be eliminated, even at the cost to American prosperity.
        Make no mistake the middle class is what made America great.  And the middle class is under attack.  There are many myths out there about public employees and their unions.  They are not paid more than public sector workers, (adjusted for educational levels they are paid less), they are not lazy incompetent or all rude, despite the ubiquitous DMV stereotype.  Yes, they have solid jobs, with good benefits, retirement, job security, and more likely than not, experience more fulfillment in their occupations than many in the private sector, yet these are not reasons to tear down public employees, but rather reasons for private sector employees to organize and fight for the same working conditions and compensation.  These are benefits every worker deserves, not just those who work for the government, and they are benefits businesses and corporations can easily afford.
      As the middle class dwindles, and the Right pretends to use deficits, that they created, to feign outrage and slash social spending, when does disgust and outrage turn to demonstration?  In Egypt it was 30 years of oppressive one party rule.  In Wisconsin, after 30 years of attacking the middle class it finally took the threat of taking away fundamental worker rights to spark mass demonstrations.  The redistribution of wealth from the many to the few has been going on for quite some time now.  Tax cuts for the rich are followed by cuts to services to the poor and middle class.  At what point do the people stand up and decide our government was founded for "We The People" not We the Corporations, or We the Rich?  At what point do the people decide to organize, vote and demonstrate to protect basic fundamental rights and our ability to pursue happiness?  If not now, then when?  Will it take eliminating Social Security?  Or eliminating all worker rights?  The destruction of our public school system?  The elimination of higher ed as realistic option due to cost?  What is the last straw that will re-ignite the masses who showed up in 2004 to fight for middle class?  What will it take to spark you to protest?

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